It’s gallery delivery day for Ainsley + Kolby so they are also up on the blog! Their Stone House Lavender Farm wedding day was simply put together focusing on the two of them and their love story. Stone House is beautiful on it’s own and doesn’t need many embellishments to make it amazing. Of course, […]
I don’t even know where to start! I’ve been dreaming of holding a styled shoot FOR photographers for over a year now. The wedding industry is far behind here in West Virginia and I’ve always felt that our photography community deserved more. Now when I first started planning this, I knew it would be a […]
A couple weeks ago, we headed to Pittsburgh for the weekend to hangout with our (GORGEOUS) cousins, Alexis + Jeff! They live in the cutest neighborhood close to Highland Park so it was obvious where we were doing their session! We had so much fun spending the weekend with them and I absolutely can’t wait […]
Sharing this super fun and gorgeous Waterfront wedding from a few weeks ago. Katie + Logan have to be one of my favorite couples ever. So fun, easy going, beautiful smiles, totally perfect for each other (you see where I’m going with this?!) I am so lucky to have been apart of their day! Every […]
I don’t often shoot in the snow but when I do…. I have to say, those little snowflakes falling through the whole session have my heart. Victoria + Curtis took me back to Fairmont State University where they met in college. Curt played football and Victoria cheered. It was only right that we snapped a […]
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