So remember that big news I mentioned last week? Well here it is!! We’re moving! That’s right – MOVING!
Charleston has been home for us for the past 3 years but we are so excited to announce that we are coming back to the Morgantown area! Rocha & Co will be minutes away from Deep Creek Lake and Oakland, MD. Just a short drive from Morgantown, Fairmont and Bridgeport. And even within 100 miles of Pittsburgh, PA! I know you’re probably thinking, where in the heck are they gonna be living?! Let’s just call it Morgantown!
This move has been something we’ve wanted for quite a while. To be closer to family, to be closer to my wedding market, and just to be back in the area we love so much. We are packing up and headed home THIS WEEKEND! We are nervous but also excited for the opportunities this move will bring! As for my clients, I’m super excited because this means MINI SESSION INFO IS COMING SOON!
Well that’s my news! Thanks for tuning in. Now, to start cleaning and packing up this house… Wish us luck!!
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