Colorful Styled Shoot for Photographers

April 19, 2021

This weekends colorful Styled Shoot for Photographers at 304Collective was basically all of my colorful dreams come true! I’ve come up with some fun themes in the past but I think this one pretty much takes the cake. I had a clean vision of balloons, confetti, and lots of color from the beginning. Katie and Alex had offered to model for me before but I knew THIS was going to be their shoot! They both have amazing smiles and fun personalities and I could not be happier with how this turned out!

I will be COMPLETELY over-sharing for many, many days to come!! I cannot wait to see all the photographers photos from this shoot!

Our vendors:

Host: @rochacophoto @styledshootsforphotogs

Venue: @304collective

Rentals: @brittanyannesevents

Hair: @lauradoeshair_

Makeup: @bbkartistry

Balloons: @littlebirdieballoonco

Hand Painted Shoes: @cocoandjune

Macarons: @makarohn

Stationery: @paperheartsinvitations

Florals: @flowermoxie made by me! 

If you loved this Colorful Styled Shoot for Photographers and want to see more, check them out here!

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