It’s gallery delivery day for Ainsley + Kolby so they are also up on the blog! Their Stone House Lavender Farm wedding day was simply put together focusing on the two of them and their love story. Stone House is beautiful on it’s own and doesn’t need many embellishments to make it amazing. Of course, […]
Wedding season is getting ready to get underway in the next few weeks so I have been soaking up my last few spare days to get creative. I attended this styled shoot at 304Collective last weekend and I am in love with how these images turned out! I hope to bring more creativity to my […]
We met up with Olivia + Ricky on morning two, bright and early for their engagement session at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. I loved how Olivia’s blue dress popped in the early morning light! Thankfully we didn’t have to deal with a fog advisory like we did on the first day but we […]
I recently had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to photograph not one but TWO of my amazing couples for their engagement session. Living in NCWV, we are pretty close to a few bordering states and I get to work in both Pennsylvania and Maryland very often. This means, a lot of the time, […]
Saturday was a dream working with this amazing couple and shooting at my best friends new wedding venue! Harmony Grove Events. Erica + Jeremiah, we wish you two nothing but the absolute best in life! You are two of the sweetest people we know and we were honored to be there to photograph such a […]
Fairmont State University Fall Engagement Session
Cheers to the newest newlyweds: the Sisler’s! When I say that I still can’t believe couple’s like Marley and Casey choose ME as their wedding photographer, I truly believe that! What a sweet couple and their wedding day was the perfect reflection of just how much they love each other and how much they are […]
White Barn at Lucas Farm Wedding, Oakland, MD
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