TuesdaysTogether Headshot Swap | Mea Cuppa Coffee Lounge

Yesterday our group got to meet up for a headshot swap and it turned out way too perfect! As entrepreneurs we often need LOTS of photos of ourselves. For our websites, social media, yada yada. This is common knowledge known by every business owner out there, but actually finding the time to take those headshots […]

West Virginia Wedding Photographer

Rising Tide Society | TuesdaysTogether

At the end of 2018, I was presented with the awesome opportunity of taking over leadership of our local TuesdaysTogether group here in Charleston! I jumped at the chance because 1. TuesdaysTogether has changed my business in SO many ways 2. I made a handful of my best creative friends from TuesdaysTogether and 3. It […]


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xo Chelsey

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